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We stand for a Europe that joins forces to face terrible diseases

  • We want Europe to find a cure for cancer. Whereas health insurance systems and hospitals are clearly national, regional, or local competencies, the EU should be in charge of managing great health projects; for instance, by bringing together the best minds for the next moon-shot project on personalised medicine focused on integrated care, to beat cancer and Alzheimer’s in particular. To fight these terrible diseases, we should create a European Marie-Skłodowska Curie Institute for High-Level Research to bring together the best minds and attract the best talents.

  • We want Europe to be ready to withstand the next pandemic. The EU should have an enhanced coordination competence, from early warning mechanisms to detection and prevention services, to manage future pandemics. We also want to make sure no Member State suffers from drug shortages by strengthening the role of the European Medicines Agency and reinforcing Europe’s supply chain autonomy while also retaining openness to global supply chain dynamics.


2022-01-04 08:32:30 Ruggero Gabbrielli

There are worse conditions than cancer and pandemics. Offer deductions on healthcare to people who treat their body with respect (non smokers, non overeaters) and in the long term you will see humanity transform.

There are worse conditions than cancer and pandemics. Offer deductions on healthcare to people who treat their body with respect (non smokers, non overeaters) and in the long term you will see humanity transform.


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